Friday, September 11, 2009

New research on anti-oxidants

Another reason to eat whole, real foods instead of trying to pick and choose which supplements and enriched foods to eat.

Omega 3s are recently the trendy thing to eat because of current research showing their utmost importance to brain function and many, many other processes in the body. Before that it was anti-oxidants or a certain vitamin or certain mineral, etc.

We know that anti-oxidants taken in the form of a whole food (like a blueberry or leaf of spinach) provide protection. What we don't know is how these ingredients interact with each other in the body when they are taken together in a whole food. What we also don't know is what other ingredients are still to be discovered that also assist in the process of bodily absorption or use of such substance. Hence why taking just the anti-oxidant in pill form is not the best idea.

Eat a diverse diet of whole, real foods and you won't have to guess what will be beneficial and in what amount in order to be healthy.