Friday, December 11, 2009

Thanksgiving Turkey and Gravy

Well, the day has come and gone and I still need to post a few recipes. For the turkey and gravy I will just provide links with a few additions/changes to how I prepared them.

Whole Foods has a list of videos on how to prepare a turkey dinner. I watched 3 of the videos - Thanksgiving Turkey Made Simply Delicious, 4 Steps to Perfect Gravy and How to Carve a Turkey. Excellent tutorials and recipes!

For the turkey I added cranberries and apples to the cavity/roasting pan. I used a very delicious white wine that I had never tried, a Pinot Gris by Stoney Mesa (and quite happy to use a local product!).

I was surprised at how involved it was to make the gravy. The roux turned out quite nicely by using a combination of wheat flour and arrowroot powder. The spices I used were parsley, sage and thyme.

My first turkey and gravy were a success! And I thoroughly enjoyed all the cooking and my husband really enjoyed carving his first turkey!