Saturday, August 7, 2010

Raw milk

A wonderful interview can be found here on the benefits of real, raw milk. It's long, I have to warn you. 50+ minutes long. I chose to watch it in about 5 sittings to make it doable.

According to Mark McAfee, there are two kinds of milk here in the USA: milk for pasteurization and real, raw milk fit for human consumption.

My family and I choose real, raw milk.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Vitamin D

I recently read the book The Vitamin D Solution by Michael F. Holick MD, PhD. This is a particularly important book for all to read because almost everyone is deficient in vitamin D (really a hormone). Please visit his website for a synopsis of the book and then go get the book.

There are a couple of recent articles supporting the importance of vitamin D. One shows how important it is for the immune system particularly during the flu season. Another features Dr. Holick and describes how important it is to get Vitamin D from the sun during the summer months so that you have enough during the winter.