Saturday, January 16, 2010

Primal Pancakes

This is where I found the inspiration.

1 banana
1/2 packet stevia (optional)
2 TBSP almond butter
6 eggs
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1/2 scoop unsweetened, unflavored whey powder
3 TBSP flax seed meal (or 2 TBSP + 1 TBSP coconut flour)
2 tsp cinnamon
sprinkle salt

In a medium bowl mash banana. Add almond butter and mix well. Add stevia. Add eggs and mix well. In separate bowl combine remaining ingredients (do this step so coconut flour gets mixed well with other dry ingredients - it clumps!). Add dry ingredients to egg mixture and stir well.

Start off with the griddle on low - you want these to cook slowly. Place a couple teaspoons of coconut oil in and spoon ~2 TBSP of batter for each pancake. They are ready to turn when you notice the edges are coming up just slightly. They need less time to cook on the second side. Repeat with coconut oil for each batch of pancakes.

Eat them warm - with some butter if you wish. They are also very good straight out of the fridge (if you are controlled enough to have any leftovers - haha).

yields ~16 pancakes

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cod Liver Oil

I have been meaning to write about the wonderful food called cod liver oil! No, no...don't grumble. It really is a great food. Here's why:

1. It has Omega 3s (DHA and EPA)
2. It has Vitamin A
3. It has Vitamin D
4. You can buy it in flavors now!

The first 3 are vitally important to health. The 4th is a bonus.

This article is what triggered me to finally get to writing about cod liver oil. It seems that a lot of people are failing to get adequate Vit D. No doubt since it is hard to find foods that contain it naturally (most milk has to be fortified because the fat is removed - bad! You need the fat for the body to be able to use Vit D) and lets face it, fortified anything is second rate to natural.

What puzzles me is that cod liver oil is never mentioned in these type of articles as a wonderful source of Vit D. What used to be quite common is now never written about in the mainstream news. Very wrong.

Do watch out for the type of cod liver oil that you buy. Some have decreased amounts of Vitamin A and D in it. Go to the Weston A Price Foundation website for complete info on what to buy, dosage and the many, many benefits of cod liver oil.

This* is the type I buy for my family, although I have been getting it at Sunflower. Rooster and I take it every day (or darn near every day) and Roscoe takes it every other day. This is in addition to the fish oil Roscoe and I take. The flavor of the cod liver oil is quite pleasant - a minty lemon spoonful of goodness :)

*I should note that I have no sales connection with amazon. I love linking there because 1. I love to shop from them and 2. they have great descriptions and pictures of almost everything under the sun.