Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This year we will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner at our home. This is the first of many things for me: hosting, cooking a turkey, and making everything from scratch. Yes, everything.

The menu:

Turkey (free-range from a local farm)
Stuffing (I will be making a sweetener-free bread as the base although not grain-free)
Brussel Sprouts
Cranberry Relish (will attempt sweetener-free but may have to add some honey)

My mother will be bringing some yams, half bare (the way we like them) and half doctored up the way she and my sister enjoy them.

I may also add a dessert, perhaps a Primal Pumpkin Souffle or a Primal Pie. Or I may just make up a recipe that is sweetener and grain-free.

I will be posting recipes for my menu and will then update this thread with links to them.

This Thanksgiving is a chance to enjoy time with family while trying to eat well. I have an internal debate during these times (like I did for Rooster's first birthday) as to what should be placed on the menu. I have quite fond memories of mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, apple pies, stuffing, carrot casserole, rolls, etc. from holiday meals while growing up. I want Rooster to have the same but I know what that stuff does to the body. I know I will need to compromise here and there, which will occur on special occasions and I will have to accept it. Food is not meant to be pleasure free (thank goodness for fats!) and we as a family will learn new ways to incorporate primal foods into our daily lives, especially during special occasions.


  1. We too are hosting Thanksgiving and may have as many as 12 adults and 5 kids. We're very excited. Here is my menu so far....

    Deep Fried Turkey
    Grilled Tri Tip

    Green Bean casserole (Tempura Onions)
    Spinach Turkey Bacon Casserole

    Sweet Potato Bread

  2. Sweet Potato Bread would be interesting! Rooster would be a fan! Have you made it before? Send the recipe link if you can.

    So far I'm having a blast with the preparations - what about you?

  3. Yes, having a blast and excited.

    I found the sweet potato here

    we'll have to compare at coffee!!!


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